Sunday, August 13, 2006

Why colleges are severing Baptist ties

I have not seen a more well stated case for what is happening between colleges and their respective Baptist state conventions than today's Anniston Star editorial, "H. Brandt Ayers: Faith of my father". It is well worth the time to read. Quoting from the editorial:
"Diplomatically or not, there is a great rending between Baptist body and soul that is tearing the best Baptist colleges and universities away from church officialdom.

This cleavage between faith and reason, between a doctrine of godly perfection and an intelligent, fallible Christian's struggle to find his way in a sinful world shouldn't be black-and-white choices.

But churches, like newspapers and governments, do want the world around them to conform to their views. And, if they have the means to enforce their way, it very likely will.

Despite that apparent triumph of Baptist fundamentalism, there is a growing realization among the membership that fierce conformity isn't winning converts. The denomination grew a tiny .02 percent in 2005 and declined again in its most important measurement, baptisms."

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