Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am ordering my DVD copy

Hat tip to Ethics Daily and Robert Parham for alerting me (and others) to a new 36 minute DVD, Golden Rule Politics. The following paragraph closed the sale for me:
"Through Christian representatives from a number of Christian faith traditions, "Golden Rule Politics" explores what is the rightful role of faith in politics. Democratic politicians share their Christian witness, without ever making an exclusive claim to the politics of providence. Clergy caution that political parties are neither thoroughly moral nor completely immoral, that God is neither a Republican nor a Democrat, that sin is a universal reality and that God transcends human finitude."

Good to hear that neither party is "neither thoroughly moral nor completely immoral"; although there have been days when I thought that perhaps BOTH parties were complete morons and immedicable (i.e.incurable).

I promise that I will not be disappointed if the DVD doesn't include mention of the Golden Rule of Baptist Covered Dish Suppers: Bring not from Krogers what others claiming Special Recipies have brought.

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