Thursday, September 27, 2007

Music City Blogger Friends

My favorite blog support person advised me that posts from the Refugee Baptist will somehow be magically aggregated (or aggravated) over on a community blog site called Music City Bloggers. I wish to apologize to the non-Baptists on that site. Most of the posts on Refugee Baptist are about frustrations with my own denomination and the family, Tennessee Baptist Convention, squabbles that surface in the media. Please understand that all of this is just Baptists being Baptists. We are an ornery bunch and we like to disagree (sometimes agreeably, sometimes not). In spite of ourselves, most of us Baptists achieve a level of cooperation that miraculously becomes ministry on a global scale...I really like the miraculous part of that statement.

A few days ago, a new gadget was added in the menu here for some web site ranking program called TTLB. I laugh at the insignificant microbe (or whatever) title assigned to Refugee Baptist and amuse myself that this blog somehow ranks (note, multiple definitions of rank) in the top 36,000 blogs. I am humbled by such popularity (more laughter goes here).

Hopefully, the Music City Blogger's site will show up in the menu here very soon. It'll probably cost me lunch with a more technically adept friend.

Welcome MCB Friends!

Just so you'll know that posts on Refugee Baptist are from a genuine Baptist, most stories end with a food reference. Recipies are always welcome in the comment section.


Anonymous said...

I think you've always been on the MCB aggregator, since we imported feeds from Nashville Is Talking.

Will said...

I have heard it said that the fathers/husbands are the last to know. Thanks for commenting.