Friday, October 19, 2007

Dear Pastor, Please Commit this Phrase to Memory

"preachers have no business endorsing political candidates"

Bruce Prescott writes about conservatives who are starting to endorse Mitt Romney for president..."Candidates for political office should be elected on the basis of their values, their competence and their policies, not on the basis of their religious affiliation."

Personally, I have had enough of ministers, particularly high-profile tv-types, using their venues and influence to parade candidates of one flavor or another across their respective pulpits. I want my pastor to encourage active participation in the political system and I do not mind if my pastor expounds on the qualities that the Bible proclaims that we should look for in anyone in leadership. I do not see it as any pastor's calling to encourage his flock to vote for one particular candidate over another whether that is for president of the USA, president of the SBC, president of the TBC, or president of the PTA. That's all I have to say about that.

Let's eat! I fully endorse eating (and fellowship) as a part of the political process.

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