Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Making Me Feel Better about My Conservative Baptist Friends

I doubt seriously that my CTB friends actually include me on their Christmas list or agree philosophically with much that I have to say, however, I can affirm that there are conservatives among us who are certifiably Baptist. More proof from Jeff Wright:
"The night was finished well with a full rack of ribs at the famous Rendezvous here in Memphis. If you’ve not enjoyed their wares let me suggest that a drive to West Tennessee might be in order – they’re really that good."
Memphis BBQ is at least one thing that Jeff and I agree on, although, I consider myself a regular fan of the Germantown Commisary just because it is on the way home from Memphis (mildly dropped hint).

Fortunate for this year's convention, adopting a motion for the best BBQ in West Tennessee wasn't on the agenda. See, there is something for even the liberals and moderates to be thankful for!

Next year, I'd like to hear what brand of iced tea that each committee nominee affirms...(Jerry, I guess that would be question number 9); you can tell a lot about a Baptist when it comes to iced tea preferences.


Jeff Wright said...


You know, some would interpret my pork affirmation as an act of apostasy in that I'm deviating from The Baptist Bird (fried chicken.) I appreciate the leniency.

I completely agree about the Commisary - my friend Steve Weaver was looking for a place to go for lunch yesterday and that is where I aimed him.

Will said...

Oh dear. I did not consider the deviancy of suggesting something other than chicken as a Baptist meal. I am sooo busted!

I will, however, worry at the first suggestion of 'Tofu' on a Baptist menu...(I'm thinking of an old Jerry Clower routine where he talked about 'yogurt')

My best to you, Jeff!