Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tennessee Baptist Blogger Round-up

The system administrator person here in the Refugee Camp did a little research for me today. I asked the question, "Are there any other people blogging at/about the TBC annual meeting besides the people on our blog roll?" Well, here is a sampling of what the research found:

Tim Ellsworth - including this from a commenter: "...they have wireless available at Bellevue, but it blocks almost every site imaginable, including this one. I mean, what’s the point of even offering Internet access if you can’t access timellsworth.com? Like there are other more important sites out there or something."

Jim at Mainstream Baptist - "There is no organization outside the US Congress more befouled of political maneuvering than state and national Southern Baptist meetings. Power hungry souls manipulating and misrepresenting and even deceiving, simply in order to advance their careers. It really is quite disheartening."

Steve Weaver - Short and to the point...he's going.

At the City Gates - lists a bunch of other states having their convention meetings now

Wednesday Morning Update:

Michael Beach
- made the long drive from east Tennessee - and includes his perspective on the passing of the 2000BFM affirmation inclusion into the RJSV Committe Form.

Steve Weaver (updated last night) - Is happy about the TBC's direction and 'doctrinal accountability'

If there are others, please drop me an email: refugeebaptist@yahoo.com

1 comment:

Will said...


I look forward to seeing your post. Your earlier post regarding the vote on the 2000BFM is well done. It just seems to me that there are many Baptist voices that are being 'drowned-out' with catch phrases that sound good but fail to recognize that it is our differences and our willingness to cooperate (in spite of our differences) that has been important historically in Baptist life.

Grace and peace