Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Todd Stinnett takes issue with Baptist and Reflector editor's reflections

Todd Stinnett, heir apparent to the TBC's 2nd vice-presidency, doesn't feel that enforcing* the BF&M2000 should be a problem with Tennessee Baptists and takes issue with Lonnie Wilkey, the editor of the Tennessee Baptist Convention's Baptist & Reflector. After all, the convention voted last year to adopt the Baptist Faith & Message as well as the RJSV nomination form. The votes weren't close. But now, the 20% who failed to vote for the BF&M2000 motion are second-class Tennessee Baptists, and, according to Todd are not 'doctrinally accountable' and thus should not be eligible to serve on TBC committees or boards.

Todd, I understand your passion to rid the Tennessee Baptist Convention of liberalism and make us all doctrinally accountable. It is a well intentioned and well-meaning goal...if it is to become the primary goal of the new conservative leadership in our convention, then please, at your earliest convenience remove the word Baptist from the name of the state convention. We, as a convention, have affirmed the BF&M2000, great. Can we get on with the mission of our calling? Please, let's not use the BF&M2000 as some pharisaical-looking effort to divide the convention further by marginalizing individuals who do not view their cooperative relationships with other Baptist churches in the state the same way that you do. It may be fundamental but it is NOT Baptist.

OK, so we're not going to be Creedal, we're going to be Doctrinally Accountable. I love buzz words. I hope I can get a rubber stamp on my hand with "DA" in purple ink so that I can get back into a TBC committee meeting. Or maybe it is time to get little DA tattoos, a secret handshake, some cool candles, gold embroidered vests, and pointy looking hats.

Just so this post will not be construed to be completely antagonistic, Todd and I agree on major problems within our denomination.

*Enforced is the word chosen by one of Todd's fellow co-conspirators Concerned Tennessee Baptists, Larry Reagan.

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