Friday, December 29, 2006

Barna Group Survey Report - Worth the Read

I spent some time early this morning reading through The Barna Group's "the 12 Most Significant Religious Findings from 2006 Surveys. I recommend it as a source for some thought provoking statistics. Way down the page, beneath the sub-heading "Patterns That Were Visible" was this concluding paragraph:
"...that the most intriguing blip on the radar screen is the growth of various converging movements of deeply spiritual people who are departing from the conventional forms and communities of faith. “The Revolutionary community – which incorporates divergent but compatible groups of people who are seeking to make their faith the driving force in their life – is reshaping American faith in ways which we are just beginning to understand.” Few researchers and journalists are tracking the behavior and beliefs of those nascent segments."
The phrase divergent but compatible groups of people who are seeking to make their faith the driving force in their life jumped off the page for me. Doesn't that sound rather Baptist to anyone else? I do hope that is the case.

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