Friday, December 29, 2006

Tennessee Baptist College Basketball Off to a Good Start

My faithful blog support person (who keeps the terminally tech-challenged lot of Refugee Baptists online) is an avid basketball fan. This morning, he called with the thought of having a TBC basketball tournament. Think about it, Tennessee Baptists could come together and yell at one another over something besides committee appointments, budgets, and law suits...then have fellowship over hot dogs and Coca-Cola. Does it get any better than that? As it turns out, our three higher education institutional men's teams are off to a good start:

Belmont is 8-4 with last night's 87-85 win over Rice
Union is 7-3 with a recent 74-61 win over Oklahoma Baptist
Carson-Newman is 6-4 including a recent 79-67 win over North Greenville

If you live near any of our three schools, make the trip over for a basketball game. You might even see a Refugee Baptist or two standing around. We're the one's with the Diet Coke and the cheese laden nachos (those cancel each other out in dietary caloric values...ministerialy speaking *big smile*)

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